Foodborne illnesses do not respect any borders. As a result of increasing international trade, food produced in one country may be consumed in a different part of the world and cause disease if contaminated with a foodborne pathogen.

Similarly, international travel is increasing and it is possible to get to almost any destination from almost any place in the world in a matter of hours. Therefore, a disease contracted in one part of the world may first become apparent thousands of miles away.

PulseNet International is a network of National and regional laboratory networks dedicated to tracking foodborne infections world-wide. Each laboratory utilizes standardized genotyping methods, sharing information in real-time.

The resulting surveillance provides early warning of food and waterborne disease outbreaks, emerging pathogens, and acts of bioterrorism.

PulseNet Map AltVersion Nov2016

What's available on this site?
International > Learn about PulseNet International, including the steering committee, contacts, and partners and affiliates. New to PulseNet? Read an introduction to the technology.
Networks > Regional and National networks each have a page with information and links. Click the tab, or see a larger map on the Networks page.
Molecular Typing > Protocols and techniques, including PFGEMLVA, and now Whole Genome Sequencing, along with Bionumerics usage guidelines, troubleshooting tips and quality assurance information. The primary area for downloading technical references.
Publications > PulseNet-related published papers, newsletters and presentations.


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